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Technician repairing a coffee machine with electric drill

Coffeetec has a long history and expertise in maintaining and servicing commercial coffee machines. We are an independent company with an unbiased approach to all your office coffee machine requirements.

“For us, the sale of a product to a client is not the end
of the transaction but the beginning of a partnership”

Premium service and support has always been a commitment by Coffeetec. Our highly own employed trained technicians combine many years of experience with an understanding of every customer’s needs to form the qualified team that takes care of all maintenance, service, warranty and repairs. At Coffeetec, all our customers receive priority personalised service without incurring any extra costs.

Coffeetec’s service team can promptly respond to all service calls with ease.

Our large service fleet of Barista/technicians have access to the complete history of your CoffeeTec machine therefore enabling us to keep your downtime to a minimum in the event of a failure.

And if required we are able to quickly supply a replacement office coffee machine at no extra cost so staff remain focused on their daily tasks.

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